Catching Up with Newport Run Club

Catching Up with Newport Run Club | Newport Beach Days | Run Club in Newport Beach

From happy hour with a co-worker to an impromptu run with friends, Jake Luna officially caught the running bug. Wanting to share this “runner’s high” with friends and create a sense of community, he founded Newport Run Club, which has gained an impressive following in less than a year due to its welcoming nature, stylish branding, and naturally gorgeous setting.

We caught up with Luna to discuss all things NRC…

How did you get the idea for Newport Run Club? 

The idea for Newport Run Club was rooted from my desire to find an inclusive community of like-minded individuals at zero cost. After a work happy hour with my co-worker Talia, we both realized that no such community existed here in Newport. That’s when the lightbulb moment struck. I rounded up some close friends and we hit the pavement running, simply for fun. Realizing no run club existed locally and after the runner's high hit after our first mini group run, I decided ‘Why not become the club we are looking for?’

How long has it been a thing now? Was it quick to grow? How many people attend the runs?

Newport Run Club has been going on for 9 months, having started officially on December 21st, 2022. We started as a group of 5 and now have seen upwards of 200 local running enthusiasts joining along each week. 

Are you local to Newport? If not, how long have you been here?

I grew up about 30 minutes inland from Newport and moved here officially nearly 3-4 years ago. Having grown up always idolizing Newport and ditching school to hit the Wedge on big days, Newport became a home far before moving here. 

Why did you see a need for a Run Club? Why do you think it became so popular so fast?

I saw a need for Run Club as we have seen exponential growth within the digital age. The growing desire to connect, meet, and collaborate with like-minded individuals in-person was nowhere to be found and Newport Run Club has shown how much the City of Newport needed it.  

You obviously are very good at building community, is this something you do professionally in the business side of your life?

Not at all, I am actually a licensed CPA at a Big 4 accounting firm. My day-to-day job and the stresses that come with it have pushed me to pursue a creative outlet, and it just happens that it became Newport Run Club.

When Are the runs?

We host weekly Wednesday runs at 6:30pm (Rain or Shine) and meet at the iconic Ben Carlson Memorial. Further, we run every other Saturday and meet up at Freelance Coffee Project. Each run we have a 3 & 5 Mile group as well as our ever growing Walk Crew. 

Tell me about the merch? It's beautiful! 

Our merch is something that has allowed those in our club and even those across state lines to represent Newport Run Club everyday. Our trucker hats have slowly become a local staple and something we truly have used to help our club grow and support local causes. 

How important Is Branding to you?

Branding is important to me but the community itself means more. Our club is nothing without its people, and it shows every day when you see those excited to show up and even more excited as they head home. Newport Run Club is for the people. 

What do you hope to see in the future of Newport Run Club?

I hope Newport Run Club continues to grow, and as we have seen tremendous growth within a short 9 months, I am confident it will. I would like to continue to motivate people around us to strive for greatness and slowly but surely partner with all the local businesses and local heroes of the Newport Community as we push to spread the message of health and inclusivity. 

Photos courtesy of Newport Beach Run Club.

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